Tuesday, June 06, 2006


UGH ! Nate was being a monkey yesterday on the swing set and fell. We ended up at the emergency room for a couple hours to find out his arm wasbroken in 2 places. They sent him home in a splint for the night. He has a appointment to get it cast today at 2:30. Thankfully school is out for the summer because its his right hand. We still have 2 soccer games though. It will be REALLY hard for him to sit on the sidelines, but I dont want him to injure it worse.
Will take pics of him cast up later.
I guess he really got his Dads genes, he had a broken arm in Kindergarten too. Like Father like son. I just hope we dont get the Sophmore broken wrists at once like his Dad !!!!
Serenity now ! The joys of Parenthood !

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